Wednesday, May 29, 2013


So, Synesthesia… Until reading these articles and viewing the assigned videos, I knew very little about it. I had heard stories, sort of like those ones that go around different social scenes that usually go, “Hey, did you know there’s a disease where you can see sound and taste sight?” Well, I’ve come to find that those stories were a bit embellished and I am definitely guilty of passing them along. Now that I know the truth about Synesthesia I am much more amazed. I had only been looking at the surface of it, thinking about how cool it would be to walk around and see colors that represented different sounds and associations. This would be pretty rad, but the real beauty comes when these people with the condition apply their “disability” to art. They are able to create pieces that truly capture the feeling and raw power of the subjects they focus their art on. “Normal” artists can only dream of being able to see and create what they do, and often times attempt just that. I would truly love to try some sort of simulator so that I could get a taste of what it would feel like to have Synesthesia. 

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